Jiazheng Li

I'm a PhD student focusing on natural language processing at the King's College London's NLP group, under the supervision of Prof. Yulan He and Dr Lin Gui. My PhD is generously funded by the AQA Education, where I work on explainable student answer scoring.

Before my PhD, I obtained a First-Class honours bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University College Dublin in 2021.

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Google Scholar

Research Interests:

  • Natural Language Processing:

    • Explainable AI,

    • Applications built on Large Language Models.

  • Machine Learning

Here are my GitHub and Huggingface profiles.


Jun 2024: Gave a talk at the TLDR Group, Imperial College London.
May 2024: Delivered a seminar on interpretable text classification at CGI.
Mar 2024: Gave a talk on explainable student answer assessment at the ALTA group, University of Cambridge.
Dec 2023: Presented a poster at EMNLP 2023.
Dec 2023: Gave a talk at MMLM.
Sep 2023: Gave a presentation and panel talk at BERA 2023.
Aug 2023: Presented a spotlight presentation at UAI 2023.
May 2023: Presented two posters at the UKAI Fellows Conference.

I'm actively looking for research internships. CV can be provided upon request.